Monday, February 23, 2009

Poor Girl...

Our girl has had a rough few days. On Sunday morning, we noticed that Sofia's thumb (yes, the one that is constantly in her mouth) had a huge red, inflamed boil on it that got worse throughout the day. She wouldn't suck on it thankfully and CK lanced it that evening. We cleaned it and dressed it with neosporin and a band-aid. She actually fell asleep fairly easily and slept well that night. On Monday her thumb looked fine, but I kept it clean and wrapped in a band-aid. However, she couldn't get comfortable for a nap so she didn't get a wink all day. Then, that afternoon I was talking with our neighbor and she fell down his sidewalk stairs (she loves going up and down them, so obviously she was just very tired). She scraped her forehead and nose, and despite the blood, she wasn't too terribly upset by it (like I was!). Then to cap it all off, during her bath she turned the cold water off and stuck her hand under the faucet! She was very unhappy, but I don't think she actually burned herself, luckily. Poor girl!

The night of her tumble down Trent's stair

Poor girl!

Her doctored thumb - the only picture I was able to take!

Sofia's scabbed nose

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