Sunday, February 22, 2009


For Valentine's Day, Sofia got a sheet of Valentine's stickers and an owl (it was left over from Halloween at Borders). The night after Valentine's Day, CK took Sofia and her new owl into her room for story time just before bed time, and asked Sofia what her new owl's name was. After a little coaxing, Sofia called him "Beakie" since she knows and can say wings, beak, eyes and tail. So, now Sofia drags Beakie around and he sleeps (along with the other stuffed animals) in her crib every night.

Beakie and Sofia ponder a breakfast of cheese omelette

Feeding Beakie (Sofia's new thing is to feed her animal -either Beakie or her giraffe - before her every bite.)

Changing Beakie's diaper

Sofia and Beakie talking on her 'cell phone'

At the Dallas Zoo together

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