Friday, June 12, 2020

Fun with Cousins at the House!

On Friday June 5th, we headed back to Colleyville to hang out at the house for a few days. The kids were having so much fun at the lake, but they were also looking forward to a change of scenery. Jackson was also pretty excited to have a chance to play with another boy, our neighbor Antonio. The first full day we were back at home, we had Antonio, Luca and Stacy over for a swim, lunch and popsicles. As soon as Antonio walked in the door, he and Jackson immediately bonded over MineCraft. It was so cute to watch and listen to them. All the kids had a great time playing together, swimming and all got along really well. After lunch, the kids decided to switch over to Antonio's pool so they could use his diving board. They had an absolute ball. Over the next few days we switched back and forth and the kids played chicken fights, did flips off the diving board (including back flips), and practiced and perfected their dives. They had so much fun.

On Sunday, after Meeting, we went to lunch at Rainforest Cafe which the kids were really excited about. Of course, our girls absolutely love Rainforest Cafe and they told Jackson and Jillian about how fantastic it is, since they hadn't ever heard of Rainforest Cafe. They absolutely loved it and really enjoyed walking around with the girls looking at all the different animals. Since it's the middle of Covid, it was shocking to see how empty the restaurant was on a Sunday at noon. Normally it's a 2-hour wait just to get a table but instead we walked right in and had a great table. The food was limited but decent and the kids loved it. Of course, we returned to the house and swam.

On Monday, we returned to the lake and spend a few days on the boat and having fun until we returned to our house. On Friday, the kids including Sofia and Olivia went with CK and flew to Marietta. They spent the night with Aunt Cynthia and Uncle Jay and then headed to the farm for a few days with Grandpa and Grandma. I had 5 days of relaxation and quiet with the dogs. It was so much fun having the kids with us and I think the cousins really had a fantastic time together and really bonded. Hopefully we can make it a tradition.

A little night swimming on our first night back from the lake.

Some of the cousins and Antonio.

Sofia practicing her diving off of Antonio's diving board.

Swimming in Antonio's pool.

Popsicles in the hot tub!!

Chicken fights!

Jackson was the reigning champion.

Olivia jumping off the diving board.

Sofia explaining her dive.

At our table at Rainforest Cafe.

Hanging out with the tigers.

The Rainforest Cafe fish tanks.

On the Hot Dog at the lake.

Olivia and Skipper cuddling.

Someone is enjoying a nap on the boat in the afternoon...

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