Saturday, November 9, 2019

Rockets Team Photo!

Today was the last game of the Fall season for our Rockets and thankfully everyone showed up so I could take a team photo of the girls and their fantastic coaches. I've enjoyed taking photos all season of the girls playing soccer and they are all such fun girls and have learned so much about the game from their coaches. I was able to get some good photos of the girl and they all have their eyes open and are smiling! Most are even looking at me. I think every team photo I've ever taken always has at least one girl looking at their mom and not at me. But, this year was very good. The girls and coaches also love to take a "silly" photo and I love watching how each of the girls react to a "silly photo." Olivia always does something simple, and this time she did her "duck pose." I don't do individual photos of each girl, unless asked to, but I try to get a good one of Olivia. She wasn't into it before the game, but I was able to get a few cute photos of her after the game. The season was fun, although we struggled against the two top teams. Our team has one very aggressive and good player, Emma, and unfortunately all the other girls defer to her when they are playing a game. Hoping next season the girls get a little more time to play soccer as a team instead of expecting Emma to do all the work. Olivia goes back and forth about how much she enjoys it because even when she is playing defense, Emma will swoop in and take the ball, even though she is playing offense. It's been a little frustrating to watch as well. But, it's a fun group of girls and parents and as long as Olivia is enjoying it, it's worth being out there.

The last after-game team meeting of the Fall soccer season for the Rockets!

Happy girls after a fun season!

Trying to get a photo of Buddy and me! Fail!

The best one I got!

My attempt to take a cute picture of Olivia! She wasn't up for it.

Another silly face.

There's our sweet girl!

Team photo! Such a great group of girls!

With our terrific coaches - Coach Matt and Coach Doug.

Silly photo!

Our little soccer player!

A close-up.

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