Saturday, November 16, 2019

Family Pictures!

For once I actually thought about taking family pictures well before Christmas and our Christmas card! I had the idea that we take some cute outfits and our outdoor bench down to the lake to take pictures using our tripod. I even bought Buddy a cute green plaid collar and bowtie for our photos. We arrived at the lake Saturday late morning and discovered that our entire lawn was covered in either pine needles or leaves. So, we spent the rest of the day raking and collecting pinecones. The girls collected four bags of pinecones, although there were still more to collect. We started a fire in our little fire pit and burned the leaves and pine needles. The fire pit doesn't burn very much so it took forever to burn our piles and we didn't end up getting it all done.

By 5:30pm, I realized we were losing the daylight we needed for our photos. I rushed the girls into their cute outfits and fluffed their hair and then jumped into my dress and tried not to look like I'd been raking and burning leaves all day. I posed everyone and set up my camera on the tripod and then tried to take photos that didn't look terrible. We could have used a little more light, but we took a few cute photos. I then took a few photos of just the girls. They were sort of done with taking photos so I had to conjole them to get them to give me a few normal and cute smiles. Once I was satisfied, I sent them off to get dressed back into their regular clothes and relax. So excited to get some decent photos and be done and ready for Christmas!

On Sunday afternoon, as we got ready to leave for home, the girls found a little baby snake in their bedroom! Olivia picked up her clothes from a pile on the floor and found a cute little snake curled up. CK picked it up and moved it outside, while Sofia begged us to keep it as a pet! Yikes!

Such a beautiful day at the lake!

Working away!

Buddy relaxing while Olivia works in the background.

Watching the sunset.

The sunset!

Family pics!

This is my favorite!

The girls and Buddy!

This is actually another favorite!

One last picture.

The little snack we found in the girls' bedroom!

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