Saturday, February 23, 2019

Sofia's Disco Cotillion

Last night Sofia went to the 3rd night of Cotillion, which was disco night. Thankfully we had a full disco outfit borrowed from Sofia's friend Alexa. It included a cute dress and awesome knee-high white boots. The boots actually had about a 2" heel and Sofia was excited to wear heels, although after about 30 minutes she realized her feet already hurt. I told her she would really be feeling it after a night of dancing. I planned on making Sofia's hair look awesome by curling it and teasing it so it was thick and full and curly. However, our afternoon went a little differently than expected. Olivia had her friend Hannah over and they were going to have a sleepover at our house. Meanwhile, Sofia begged not to go to Cotillon. I was really surprised since she hadn't mentioned anything about not wanting to go. The third and final How to Train Your Dragon had just come out and she really wanted to see the movie and hand out with Hannah and Olivia. She really begged to stay home. So, I told her if she went to Cotillon I would pick her up and take her to the 9pm showing of How to Train Your Dragon. She agreed! She got dressed and I curled her hair as much as I could in the limited time we had. Her hair is just so much fun to work with! She was all ready to go and started to get excited. I took her to Oscar's where she met up with Liliana and Frankie for manicures. Sofia wasn't sure what she thought about getting a manicure, but she started to get excited when she found the perfect color blue to match her dress.

The girls got their manicure and Sofia didn't love when her cuticles were pushed back but after that, she thought it was pretty cool. She was soon done and her nails really did look super cute. The color was perfect for her outfit too. Once the girls were done, they ate Chik-Fil-A nuggets and fruit before Frankie's mom, Crystal, took the girls to the Cotillon! Sofia really wanted me to chaperone, which I love, but I had the little girls at home. I returned home and we had tacos for dinner. Neither CK or Olivia like their tacos with tortillas, but Hannah and I did and they really were delicious. The perfect dinner for Friday night.

I picked Sofia up at 8:30pm and took her to the movies at the Colleyville Cinema Grill. Unfortunately, I didn't know anyone who chaperoned the event, so I have no photos or videos of disco night. Sofia said she had a good time at the Cotillon disco night, but her feet were killing her. She took her boots off and said she had a fun night, although the 50s night was still her favorite. She liked dancing with a partner and also said the electric slide was impossible for her. She said she just never got it, so I told her she likely got her dance rhythm from me. Poor girl! She had a fun evening and was glad she went, so I'm glad we forced the issue. Unfortunately, I didn't know anyone volunteering at disco night, so I don't have any photos or videos of Sofia's evening other than before she left for Cotillion.

We got to the movie and were both pretty excited to watch the final How to Train Your Dragon movie. We got our seats and ordered drinks and sat back to watch the movie. I wanted to order popcorn, but Sofia can't eat it with her expander, so I figured that wouldn't be very fun for her. Plus, I really didn't need popcorn. The movie ended up being really well done and a great ending to the series. We both enjoyed it wanted to watch it again with Olivia. However, we agreed that we wouldn't tell Olivia that we had already seen it. The movie ended around 11pm and we were both tired and ready for bed. We got home and snuck into the house, past Olivia and Hannah sleeping in Olivia's room. Such a fun night.

Sofia in her awesome disco outfit!

Love her hair! It is so full and thick!

Such a beautiful disco dancer!

Her hair!

Getting her nails done.

Frankie, Sofia and Liliana.

Her finished nails - the perfect color to go with her dress.

The girls are ready to learn some disco dance moves!

Ready for the movie to begin.

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