Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sofia and Olivia's School Christmas Party

Today both girls' classes had their Christmas parties and they were so much fun to attend. Olivia's class party was first and was so much fun. One of the dads dressed up as Santa and walked around the classroom while the kids had snacks and played bingo and other games. It was so cute and the kids had a great time. Olivia wanted me to sit right next to her and was a little bit shy. She played bingo, but wasn't really that into it. She also enjoyed her snowman craft. She didn't want to play pin the carrot on Olaf, so she just sat next to me and watched. After the Olaf game, the kids got their picture taken with Santa and then gave Mrs. Schultz her class Christmas gift. Shannon, who is the class room mom, did an amazing job and bought an advent calendar made of small metal buckets and each of our kids wrote Mrs. Schultz a sweet note and gave her a small gift. It really turned out perfect! It was so cute! Mrs. Schultz was so surprised and really appreciated it. I gave Olivia a big hug and headed up to Sofia's class room for her party.

Sofia's class party was pretty similar to Olivia's in some ways in that they played bingo, pin the nose on the snowman and then played limbo and had a snowball fight. They enjoyed punch made with ice cream and Hawaiian punch and pretzels, fruit and cookies. Sofia was so happy when I arrived and gave me a huge hug. She played bingo until she won a prize and then asked me to grab her book from her cubicle. She then sat there and read while everyone else in her class participated in the games. I tried to convince her to get involved in the party but she was far more interested in her book. Typical Sofia. So I gave her a hug just before I headed out before they started their snow ball fight. She loves the snow ball fight and was super excited to join in, but it gets pretty crazy so I wanted to clear out. The girls really loved their parties and it was fun to be part of their day.

Santa arrives at Olivia's party!

Santa and Olivia

Enjoying her snack!

Another photo with Santa!


Olivia's Santa - so cute!

Doing her snowman craft

Mrs. Schultz and her awesome class gift

With Sofia at her party!


Sofia and her reindeer prize

Back to her book while her classmates do limbo

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