Sunday, August 28, 2016

Opening Birthday Presents

Since the girls ended up swimming until after 8pm on Saturday and CK and I were busy taking down decorations and cleaning up after the party, we waited until Sunday afternoon for Olivia to open her gifts. She was so excited to get started and while I took her photo with all of her presents behind her, Sofia told her she wanted her to open her gift first. I wasn't exactly sure what Sofia was going to give her, since we gave Olivia her birthday gift of the mermaid fin and matching bikini when Sofia opened her gifts a month ago. I should have had Sofia make or get a gift for her sister, but I'd been so preoccupied with the party preparations that I never thought about it. Sofia trotted off and returned a minute later with her hands behind her back. She gave Olivia the treasure chest that she'd painted the day before and then added glitter and a really pretty shell inside. It was so thoughtful and Olivia loved it.

After she opened her shell, she sat on the couch with Sofia and I brought her presents to open as CK took notes on what she got. She got some great gifts and loved opening them all. Olivia is a lot like Sofia in that she takes her time opening each gift and enjoys looking at everything she gets without rushing through it all. From her friend Evan she got an Ariel doll and a butterfly melty bead set, Conor gave her a Lego Friends airplane set and an "O" notepad, Antonio and Luca gave her kinetic sand and aqua beads, Hannah gave her a jigsaw puzzle set, a sticker coloring book and a Rat-a-Tat Cat game, Nicole gave her a My Little Pony play set and a body wash sampler set, Sian and her family sent a Twinkle the Tooth Fairy Book, a My Little Pony set and a fairy costume and crown, Aunt and Uncle sent her How to Babysit a Grandma book and a headband making kit, and Mitzi and Harley gave each girl a birthday card and $20 each. Aunt and Uncle also sent Sofia the new Land of Stories book and Carcassonne game as a belated birthday present.

After she finished opening her presents she and Sofia opened up the Lego Friends airplane set and Sofia helped her build it. Meanwhile, Olivia opened up her new Ariel doll and kinetic sand set and played with them both. After the airplane was finished, they opened both of the My Little Pony sets and played together and also decided which body wash they planned to use in the shower that night. They enjoyed playing with all of Olivia's new toys so much.

Olivia and all of her birthday gifts

Opening the handmade present from Sofia

Sweet sisters

Opening Conor's gift

Opening the gifts from Antonio and Luca

My Little Pony and body washes from Nicole!

Someone loves My Little Pony!

Writing thank you notes..

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