Saturday, August 27, 2016

Olivia at 5 Years Old!

Olivia is now the big 5 years old! She's 45 inches tall and weights 46.6 pounds and seems to be growing out of Sofia's hand-me-down 5T clothes. It seems like she's really had a growth spurt in the last few months. Besides how tall she's gotten, she's grown up so much! A few days before her birthday, we were talking about her big day and her growing up and she said "I want to stay little. I don't want to grow up." I didn't explain to her that she didn't really have a choice. She certainly loves being the little sister in many ways and absolutely adores Sofia. Sofia and Olivia play a lot together and get along well. In fact, even when Olivia has a friend over she is usually focused on playing with Sofia more than she is her friend. One of the downsides of being the little sister is that it seems like she is sidelined into having interests that are more important to Sofia. When she was younger, Olivia really loved playing with dolls, mermaids, horses, and dress-up and now she wants to play with dragons, dinosaurs and swords which I don't think she would be interested in if it were up to her. Instead, she'd prefer to play with her sister so she goes along with whatever Sofia suggests and she seems to have fun, but I do wish that she had her own interests.

Olivia is our silly, easy going, rule-follower who likes to make sure everything runs smoothly and everyone gets along. She's also very thoughtful and caring. As I prepared for her birthday party, she came up to me out of nowhere and threw her arms around me and said "Thank you, Mommy, for having a birthday party for me." It was so sweet! If Sofia or someone she knows gets hurt, she is very concerned and always rubs Sofia's back and tells her "it's going to be ok." The night after her dentist visit, she was frantically searching for her "lip gloss" which I didn't really understand until she told me that Dr. Simpson said she "had to use it every night after brushing" and then I realized she was looking for her "floss" and she's used it every night since. She's generally very good at sharing and thinks of others without us prompting her.

After a full week of Kindergarten, Olivia seems to really enjoy school although it is a long and tiring day for her. She loves playing with her best friend, Hannah, every day at recess although she cried when she found out that they aren't in Mrs. Schultz' class together. She still seems a little confused as to why she has to go to school all week, when she's used to going to preschool three days a week, but I think she really enjoys going with Sofia and really loves riding the bus home with Sofia and Antonio. So far, she's doing great and always tells us fun things she's learned that day, like "Mac & Cheese, Everybody Freeze" or a cute song about reading "from the top."

She still sucks her thumb when she's tired, bored or watching something on the computer. With school she seems to do it in the morning since getting up and ready isn't her thing yet. I really wonder who much she sucks it at school. She also loves touching and gently rubbing my belly or back with her other hand. That has always been a comfort to her and she does it when she's tired or really relaxed. She sleeps with "Giraffey" and a bunch of smaller stuffed animals, although Giraffey is her favorite and who she picks to cuddle with when she's tired. The other stuffed animals seem to vary from week to week. She loves "morning juice" in the morning, which is a fruit juice blend that I mix with water, from a character sippy cup. She's a good eater and she loves salmon, cauliflower, pizza, oranges, peaches, spaghetti, pb&j sandwiches and even likes salad and cole slaw. She always eats the frosting off her cupcake first and will then eat the cake part, or even leave it uneaten. She does love her sweets!

Olivia is signed up for another season with the same soccer team and had her first practice last week. She seems to really enjoy it and is fast and pretty good at it. This year her team is no longer called "Purlicious" but changed the name to "Pinkalicious" thanks to Harper, the couch's daughter. It's a cute group of girls and I hope she really has fun with it. She's also going to start piano lessons with James for 30 minutes before Sofia's lesson. Last week James had her at the piano to be sure she knows her right from her left and is comfortable with her ABCs. He said she did great, so her first formal lesson will start next week. After playing with James, she said it was a lot of fun! I hope she continues to enjoy it.

She still loves to swim, although she and Sofia haven't done a lot of it in the week we've been back from Florida. The water temperature is a little cooler too, but I think mainly they are burned out from swimming all summer. They still love their mermaid fins though. Olivia still loves taking baths and really likes taking one with Sofia and playing with horses, unicorns mermaids or dragons in the water together. She sleeps with her favorite lovey, Giraffey, as well as nearly a whole bed-full of stuffed animals that all have their place next to her on the pillow and under the comforter. Sometimes, she barely even has room to lay down to sleep and it's amazing she doesn't fall out of bed for lack of space. Lately, her very favorite thing is for me to read a story while Sofia acts it out. Of course, Sofia acts what I'm reading out in a very silly and crazy way and Olivia laughs and laughs! It's really pretty funny and Sofia gets clever with it.

Olivia's hair is still above her shoulder, thanks to the haircut she gave herself months ago, but is now an even length and can grow out again. I think she looks so cute with it short and she is awesome at always brushing it herself and taking care of it. However, Sofia has had me add small braids that feed into a ponytail or french braids almost every morning before school, and Olivia wants the same thing for her hair. It's just barely long enough that I can usually pull it off, but she says she wants to grow it out and have it long. I look back at photos of her with long hair and I feel like she's a completely different kid! I wonder if it will still be curly when it grows out. I guess we'll find out.

She's growing up into such a thoughtful and fun girl and I can't believe how quickly the time has flown by! I hope Olivia has a great year being 5 and she has so much to look forward to.

Our sweet girl with Giraffey

Filling out the chair when she sits in it!

Swimming with her sister

Olivia loves having double french braids, which is a bit of a challenge when it's so short.

Still loves that thumb

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