Saturday, February 13, 2016

Valentine's Parties

Both girls had their Valentine's parties at school this week. Olivia had her party on Thursday and we brought heart-shaped donuts for her class party. Earlier in the week Olivia brought a pink papered covered cereal box which her class then decorated as an owl in class. On Thursday, they passed out their valentine's to each other. Each had "To my friend" and Olivia signed them for her 11 classmates. Parents weren't invited to the party, but their class gave us each an adorable little Valentine's photo. Olivia had a great day and party.

On Friday, Sofia had her Valentine's party at school and I was able to go. That morning, I woke up just before my alarm went off realizing that we'd never made a Valentine's collection box for Sofia's party. Of course she wanted a Star Wars-themed box, so I frantically printed off several Star War's pages from Pinterest and had Sofia cut and glue them onto a cereal box. It actually turned out pretty cute and it was done and ready before 7am. Sofia also wrote out valentine's to each kid in her class.

Before Sofia's party, Olivia's friend Hannah came over for a playdate and then Casey and I took the girls over to Adventure Kids while we headed to Allen and Sofia's party. As always, Sofia was so excited that I'd come. The party was from 12:30-1:20pm, so each kid was able to make up their own ice cream sundae. Of course, Sofia added everything: fudge sauce, crushed up Oreos, and two kinds of sprinkles! The kids played Valentine's bingo and "pin the lips" on a face one of the parents had drawn. Sofia played bingo but wasn't really into the "pin the lips" game. Instead, she and George horsed around with necklaces and other little gifts the all got. Then the class played limbo, which again Sofia had no interest in playing. Then, it was a "girls vs. boys" snowball fight, which they all loved doing at the Christmas party. Sofia really loved tossing the snowballs at the boys and just as they were done, I gave Sofia a hug and Casey and I picked up our little girls. When Sofia got home from school, she had a Star Wars valentine's box full of candy and valentines. The girls had a ball opening up all of their valentines and deciding which candies to eat.

Then, as an added surprise, the girls received a box full of Valentine's goodies and candies from their Grandpa and Grandma! I cut it open for them and put it on the coffee table so they could open it together. They had so much fun looking at everything!

Olivia and her Valentine's box

So proud of her owl box

The class project - love it!

Close-up of the box

Painting fingernails on their play date.

Sofia and her sundae

Valentine's Day party selfie!

Snowball fight

Sofia and her Star Wars box

Getting into the box to look at her Valentine's

Opening the box from Grandpa and Grandma

Opening their cards

Happy girls!!

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