Sunday, August 16, 2015

Visiting Grandma and Grandpa!

On Friday we flew to Florida to visit Grandma and Grandpa for a week and had plans to spent half of that week at the beach. CK had a bunch of miles on Southwest, so we decided to fly commercial. The flight went great and the girls sat next to CK and played, read or played on my iPhone. We arrived in Tampa and CK's dad picked us up and we drove to the farm. The girls were so excited to be at the farm with their Grandma and Grandpa and the next day they had a ball! CK spent the day flying the Cub, giving Sofia a ride in the Cub, and washing the Cub. He also showed Sofia how to drive the Gator and she spent nearly the entire afternoon driving all over the farm with a big smile on her face! It was so great to watch her. Meanwhile, Olivia hung out with her Grandma, played in the sand or played with her My Little Pony figures in the living room. The girls also enjoyed playing with the box of toys in their room.

Before going to dinner at Sonny's BBQ, we visited Great Grandma. Great Grandma was in her room and the girls pushed her in her wheelchair into the outside courtyard. The girls were actually really good at pushing her around and were very careful not to bump her into anything. It was a beautiful night and the girls ran around the courtyard looking for lizards and geckos while the rest of us talked with Great Grandma. She's doing well and looks great for 93! After our visit, the girls wheeled her back into her room, gave hugs and kisses goodbye, and we headed to dinner.

Girls playing in the terminal while we wait to board the airplane

All settled on the airplane next to Papa

CK with his Grandma

The girls with Great Grandma! I loved pushing her around in her wheelchair and were both very careful.

Sofia and Papa earlier in the day. Ready to go up in the Cub!

Olivia with her pink container of My Little Ponies

Off they go!

Love this picture!

Olivia and her Grandpa in the Gator. She LOVES riding in the back while Grandpa drives!

Our new Gator driver

Selfie while Sofia drives us around the farm

A huge spider on the farm. We stopped and looked at them while on our Gator ride.

She's a very focused driver!

CK and me in the Cub

Grandpa and Sofia with her "First Gator Solo" certificate which he made for her and gave her! She was so excited!

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