Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sofia's Fourth Tooth!

Yesterday Sofia came home from school with her bottom left tooth barely hanging on! She said that it actually turned all the way around in music class and it was clearly ready to come out. I told her she should just pull it so she didn't swallow it - her biggest fear. She hates the idea of not having her tooth and not being able to set it out for the tooth fairy. She went inside, went straight to the bathroom mirror and lightly pulled on her tooth....and out it came! She was excited - not as excited as her top tooth or her first lost tooth, but still excited. Plus, I think she was happy to have been able to pull it herself.

She put her tooth in a ziploc of water so it wouldn't crack in half like her first two teeth did, although I'm not sure it helps that much. I was surprised that she remembered to put her tooth out last night. Usually it takes her a few days to remember. The other day we were at the garden store and she saw a Bluebird statue which she "really wanted" but I told her we didn't need it. Of course, last night she wondered if that's what the tooth fairy would bring her along with new fairy dust....she also said it would be really fun to get ladybugs to release in our yard like we did at school that morning.

In the morning, there was a note from the tooth fairy, a $10 bill to buy ladybugs, and a unicorn statue. She was super excited even through her sleepiness getting up for school.

The tooth minutes after Sofia pulled it!

Her new toothless smile!

The missing tooth

The note from the tooth fairy, $10 and the unicorn statue

The girls in Sofia's class ready to plant tomato seeds

Planting carrots and radishes in the CES garden

The class answers questions about ladybugs with Ms. Tracy

Sofia with a ladybug

Ms. Tracy showing off a praying mantis egg case. Sofia got to hide it in a tree branch.

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