Monday, August 25, 2014

Sofia's First Day of 2nd Grade

Today was Sofia's first day of 2nd grade! Last night and this morning I felt uneasy and nervous at summer being over and the prospect of a crazy school year ahead. Sofia, on the other hand, didn't seem phased at all that another school year was beginning. CK got her up at 6:30am and dressed her in the clothes I picked out last night while I got both girls' lunches and backpacks ready for the day. Although today wasn't Olivia's first day at Spanish Schoolhouse, we were hoping it would be a great start to a fun year ahead for her since her first day last week was very emotional and sad for her for the first few minutes.

Sofia ate breakfast and read her new American Girl doll Saige book like it was just any other day. I got Olivia up and dressed and we took a few pictures of the girls before heading to school. Of course, Sofia's school was a complete madhouse but we parked next to the church next to her school and made our way into Mrs. Livingston's class. First, Sofia wanted to stop by Mrs. Schultz' class and give her a hug which we did quickly since it was so crazy! We went upstairs to Mrs. Livingston's class and Sofia put her backpack in her cubby and found her seat before we gave her a hug and kiss and headed back home. I knew she would have a fun day but miss having her with me all day.

Olivia had a little breakfast before we headed to Spanish Schoolhouse where I hoped the day would go better than it did on Wednesday. She was excited to be there and we talked to Ms. Lynn in the front office for a while before heading back to her classroom where she gave both teachers a huge hug and then hugged me and said goodbye without a fuss! I was so happy to see that she was happier to be there and knew she would have a great day!

The day went by quickly and before I knew it it was time to pick up Olivia at 2pm! She was so happy to see me and made me a little paper doll which was really cute! She had a great day and said she had fun. Shortly after we got home it was time to walk out to meet Sofia at the bus stop at 3pm. She said she had a fun day and that Mrs. Livingston was great and just a little bit under Mrs. Schultz in greatness! She said she had a fun day but later said that she read her book during recess. I think Sofia assumes that when two girls are playing together that they won't want to play with her, so I talked to her about asking some of her friends if she could play with them. She wasn't sad or upset and kept saying she had a fun day and I know she will find her nitch. Plus, she loves to read so I know she enjoys just sitting and going through a book. I still can't believe she's in 2nd grade!

Our big 2nd grader!

Excited for a fun year ahead!

Testing out her new backpack

So excited for 2nd grade!

Me and Sofia

With her Papa

School girls!

Sweet sisters

With their Papa

Walking Sofia into school on her first day

Giving Mrs. Schultz a good luck hug on her first day of teaching Kindergarden

Mrs. Livingston, Sofia's teacher this year

At her seat

Olivia walking toward Spanish Schoolhouse

Ready for a fun day

With Mrs. Lynn

Putting her name on the wall

With her teachers

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