Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Olivia at 3!

Our "baby girl" is now 3 years old and tells everyone that she's a "big girl" and usually says she's "five" when asked how old she is! She is 39 inches tall (89%) and weighs 37 lbs (91%) and wears mainly 4T clothes since she's so tall like her sister. I love that she wears nearly all of Sofia's hand-me-downs since they all look so cute on her and remind me so much of Sofia at this age. She loves princesses and fairies and enjoys playing with horses and loves having books read to her. She used to really love dressing up in princess clothes with plastic princess shoes, tiara, etc but hasn't done so in a few months now.

CK calls her "Pooh" and the other day she said "Papa, why do you call me Pooh?" and he said "Because you're my little Pooh Bear." Olivia seemed satisfied with that and said "Oh, ok." Sofia calls her "Livy Boo" when she hasn't made up a name for whatever character she is playing. I call her "Liva" or "my little ladybug" but she pretty much responds to anything!

Her favorite books right now are the simple princess and fairy stories that we've had for awhile and take about 30 seconds each to read. They include The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Cinderella. The fairy set includes Tinker Bell, Rosetta and Silvermist. She also loves going into her room every afternoon to sit in the rocking chair and "read stories" which are usually those two sets of books and maybe a few others. She knows the princess and fairy books by heart since we read them to her so often but she still doesn't repeat them word for word, but just makes up anything as she pretends to read. She said her favorite animal is a monkey (not sure where that comes from) and her favorite food is macaroni and cheese. She loves vanilla yogurt, cheese sticks, apples, grapes, blueberries, Cherrios, crackers, apple juice, and vanilla ice cream. She really isn't a huge fan of chocolate but still loves gum and mint flavored goodies. She is gregarious like Sofia, but not as outgoing as Sofia was at this age. She's very silly and carefree and is just a really fun girl to be around. She's is definitely our "go" girl in that she always wants to go wherever one of us is going. If CK is going flying on a Saturday morning, Olivia wants to go. Or if I need to run errands, she wants to go. She loves playing at home and is happy to entertain herself but she loves being on the go and being with us. She just recently started to miss naps. She's never been one to fight sleep, but often times if I don't get her ready for a nap she's fine but just needs to go to bed earlier than normal. If she does nap, often she wakes up groggy and fussy for about an hour so it's all a trade off. Even if she is tired, she doesn't normally get fussy like she did when she was little but instead becomes hyper.

She loves to sing and often sings "Let it Go" while playing around the house. We listen to kids songs in the car and she sings along to each song really well. She and Sofia love to dress up in princess outfits and play in the house and she still loves wearing her plastic princess shoes, although not as much as she used to a few months ago. She's just started the "do it myself" except she says "do it with myself" when she wants to do something. She's still figuring out how to dress herself and struggles getting her top off, but is very good at getting her undies and bottoms on the right way. She loves picking out her shoes and has more shoes than I do (size 9)! She's very particular about what she wears! Unfortunately, she doesn't love things in her hair, so she prefers wearing her hair down which is usually messy. I can get it all into a ponytail but otherwise she will pull hair clips out of her hair.

She's finally potty trained too! She actually wore her first pair of panties yesterday since her teacher told me on Monday that she needs to wear panties instead of a pull-up which is all she's worn. This past weekend is really the first success she's had at potty training and was dry all day on Sunday and Monday. For some reason she's been against the idea of panties so I suggested she wear them around the house on Tuesday morning for just a few hours. She had to put on the Elsa panties and was perfectly happy wearing them and we've never looked back!

She is very athletic and I can't wait to have her in soccer since she's great at running and dribbles the soccer ball while running! She's still learning how to swim but will spend hours in the pool and holds her breath and tries to swim as far as she can. She can go a long way on one breath, but as soon as she needs to come up for air she isn't able to get her body flat again to swim efficiently in the pool, but she gets the concept and will be a fish by next summer. She is starting gymnastics at Hurst Community Center in a few weeks which I think she'll really enjoy. Sofia did the same classes at that age and loved it. She's such a fun little girl and is growing up so quickly. She's a great little sister and I love watching her and Sofia play together.

Sweet girl

Love her smile

Olivia's close-up

Sweet girl

Olivia's very favorite books

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