Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring Break Day 2: Arriving in Marathon

As much as Sofia wants to hike at every opportunity, Olivia wants to swim. I was excited that the Gage Hotel, where we stayed the rest of the week in Marathon, had a heated swimming pool. We checked in and got settled into our room, which was in a separate, historic house about a block from the main hotel and was very comfortable. Our room was on the first floor, which included our room, a kitchen, dining area and two really cozy sitting rooms. Our room was a spacious single with a great bathroom, so we decided to unpack, get organized and get to the pool. It was such a warm and nice day and Olivia was itching to get in the water. We all walked the short distance to the main hotel and walked through the courtyard to the pool. It really was gorgeous and the entire hotel seemed so out of place in the tiny town.

CK sat in the sun and read while Sofia, Olivia and I got into the pool. The water was freezing! Even Sofia, who hardly notices the temperature had a hard time getting into the water. Olivia had a ball and the three of us played and swam around, even though my toes never thawed out. Sofia got out after maybe 15 minutes and sat in the sun and Olivia and I lasted another five minutes. The water was freezing! I covered Olivia in a towel and had to carry her back to the hotel since she was so cold. We put the girls into the shower in our room and let them play and warm up.

The girls played and read for a bit before we headed to 12 Gage Restaurant for dinner. We sat outside, but under a kind of tent, so it was very comfortable. The food was incredible, which is hard to believe given that it feels like we are in the middle of nowhere. At the end of dinner, Olivia leaned back in her chair a little too far and fell over. She was fine but totally embarrassed and hid her face in my skirt and cried and cried. Poor thing. Meanwhile, Sofia got her chocolate mouse dessert which looked fabulous! Olivia calmed down and joined Sofia in her dessert before we headed back to our room. The sun was setting just as we walked back and the sky was incredible!

Once back in our room, CK got the girls into pajamas, read them stories and put them to bed. Since we only had a single room, we set up Olivia's pack-n-play on my side of the bed and put Sofia to bed in our bed where we joined her later in the night. We left the bathroom light on and then would sit in the sitting room with our books and magazines, read and relax before bed. It worked perfectly!

The Gage Hotel

The main hotel

The Pool

Swimming in the not-so-heated pool

The historic building where we stayed


The town of Marathon...


Girls playing after dinner as the sun sets...

CK, his girls, and their bedtime ritual

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent little Sophia is lying on the bed in her panties. Wonder what happened next???