Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sofia Looses Her FIRST Tooth!

Finally! Sofia's tooth has been loose for over a month and we originally thought that she might loose it while at her Grandparent's house in Florida over Thanksgiving. Then, over the past week it has been so loose that we couldn't tell how it was still in her mouth, yet a sharp yank produced nothing. Sofia has been afraid that losing her first tooth would be painful and bleed, and despite our explaining that it wouldn't hurt, she was not to be swayed. Honestly, I thought she might swallow it in her sleep since she wiggled it so much.

Then, yesterday morning, as CK and I were getting dressed and ready to take Buddy to the groomer and then move the plane over to Addison, Sofia came into our room with her bottom right tooth in her hand! She was so excited! She was mainly excited because it didn't hurt or bleed! I took pictures immediately and asked her how it felt. She said it really didn't feel that different, I think because her permanent tooth is so far in already.

I gave her a little container that my Mom gave to me years ago that I figured would be a good tooth holder. She loved it and immediately put her little tooth in it to "keep it safe." We headed out and the girls flew with CK from Arlington to Addison, while I drove and met them. We then went to lunch together and headed home after, where Olivia napped and Sofia played with her horses. Then, we went to sushi for dinner and after we came home so Sofia could write her letter to the Tooth Fairy. She wrote out a note and outlined her tooth. After reading stories at bedtime, Sofia mentioned that she wished she could keep it for another day to show her Aunt Shirl and Uncle Steve who arrive later today. So, I told her she could put the tooth back into the little container and fold the note and put both in her night stand drawer. Then, she could show her tooth to her Aunt and Uncle and put it and the note out the next night. Plus, I'm pretty sure the Tooth Fairy is too tired, so it all worked out!

Sofia's tooth!

Her new smile!

A close up of her mouth!

Sofia writes her note to the tooth fairy


Her tooth

The note

All set for the tooth fairy!

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