Friday, September 27, 2013

Olivia at 25 Months!

Olivia is 25 months and finally starting to really talk. She still has her core words that she can pronounce well but is now venturing into new words and phrases and will try to say a word if you ask her to. She loves to say "Here you go" or "I need (want) this" and "Hush" or "Stop"! She still doesn't say animal words other than puppy and says "neigh" or "Baaa" or "Mooo" for other animals. She still loves mints and gum and a day doesn't go by that she doesn't ask for them. Last week I pulled out all of Sofia's 3T clothes and removed all the 2T clothes from Olivia's dresser that no longer fit her. She's really grown tall in the past few weeks and with her "ample" tummy, 3T tops fit her better than her current tops. Her very favorite outfit is a yellow shirt with a puppy on it and blue and white seersucker shorts. She would wear this combo everyday if I let her. She particularly loves the puppy shirt. She loves puppies, horses and trains and her favorite books are the Boynton books and "Bear About Town" where she "eats" the cookies and bread from the bakery and the ice creams from the bear's hand in later pages. She also loves to draw while Sofia is at school and is actually very good at drawing circles, which she uses her left hand for. Generally she eats with her right hand, but draws with her left, so we'll see which she'll use when she's older. She's such a happy, fun girl!

Our big girl wearing her very favorite outfit with her favorite "Neigh" (aka horse) that she sleeps with every night

Such a happy girl

So big!

Playing with her "Neigh"

Walking Buddy while pushing her car

Olivia's drawing

With sister before school one day

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