Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sofia's Field Trip

Sofia's very first field trip! The entire school's Kindergardeners (three classes of 18, so approximately 54 kids total) went on their first of two field trips. We went to the Hall's Pumpkin Farm and had the entire place to ourselves since it doesn't open to the public until 3pm. I went along as one of the chaperones, so Olivia stayed home with Ms. Megan. The kids started off going to the petting zoo where a few of them were lucky to touch a goat. Then, we went on the hay ride and fed the cows hot dog buns. A few of the kids were a little leery of the cow's tongues so some were able to get extra chances to feed the cows.

After, we headed to the corn maze where we would split into groups of four kids to one chaperone. I must confess, I'm not a fan of the corn maze on my own so the thought of having four kids to look after absolutely chilled my blood! What if we never made it out? My group included Sofia, Annabella, Riley and Erika. They all stayed together for the most part, but Riley kept crying whenever the girls wanted to go another way than he did. I tried to keep them together as well as I could but finally I just gave up and decided to stay behind them so no one was left behind. We did finally manage to fine the the maze's exit but the owners had to help us a little at the end.

After, each kiddo picked out a small pumpkin before getting back on the bus and heading to Parr Park where they ate their lunches and played. It was fun to watch how the kids played with each other. Two or three kids would play together before one would peal off and go elsewhere or play by themselves. After all the kids were tired out, they got back on the bus and headed back to school. What a fun day!

Getting on the bus at school

Petting the goat

Our little scarecrow

Annabella, Erika, Sofia and Allen

Playing in the hay house

Heading out to feed the cows

Feeding the cows

Back on the hay ride

The corn maze

Getting started!

A class picture on the tractor

Picking out their pumpkins!

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