Saturday, May 12, 2012

Aunt Becky Visits

Sofia and Olivia's Aunt Becky visited us for a few days so she could meet Olivia for the first time and play with Sofia. We started off her visit with a trampoline workout class! Becky arrived late Wednesday night and we were catching up when she told me she regularly does a rebounding class that she loves. She described it as a cardio workout on individual trampolines, so I told her about a trampoline park near us that offers cardio classes, so we decided to do it the next morning! Sofia loves going since she gets to bounce while we work out, and Olivia sits on a blanket with toys and watches the 20-plus attendees bounce up and down (she probably thinks we are all crazy). It was so much fun to do the workout with Becky.

After, Sofia and her Aunt Becky went swimming and they had underwater tea parties together...soon they became "tea-drinking whales" and Sofia took rides on "mommy whale" back across the pool. They had a great time in the pool together and they even went swimming in the rain the next day. Olivia loved having Aunt Becky around to hold and feed her and she looks super cute in the new swimsuit and cover-up Aunt Becky brought her. Aunt Becky also taught us how to make mixed fruit crepes, which were delicious! Although it was a short trip, we had such a great time with Aunt Becky and I wish we lived closer to each other. Sofia still talks about her tea-drinking whale parties and we look forward to seeing Aunt Becky again soon so we can enjoy more fun times together!! Until then, Sofia is quickly burning through her supply of fun band-aids Aunt Becky brought her!

A little shiny after a fun workout!

Aunt Becky and her girls - I love this picture!

Aunt Becky and Olivia

Who is happy to meet their Aunt Becky?? (Aunt Becky sent Olivia this little sleeper when she was first born...I remember thinking it would be forever before it fit her but she's been sporting it now for awhile...)

Olivia loves anyone who will feed her!

Aunt Becky's mixed fruit crepes for breakfast!


Olivia in her adorable new swimsuit

Aunt Becky and Sofia with their 'crazy hair'

Sofia riding on "Mommy Whale"

A "tea-drinking whale party"

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