Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Chooo Choooo

So, thanks to CraigsList, we are now the proud owners of a Thomas the Train battery-operated ride-on train! I set it up during Sofia's nap today and after her teddy bear took a test ride, she was all over it! Actually, she wasn't really eager to get on it after the bear's test ride, but she quickly warmed up to it. One thing about our girl is that she just isn't timid or fearful of anything, so those few minutes of second guessing was very unlike her. But, she got over it quickly and she now wants to ride it every minute (it's getting recharged right now).

Earlier in the day we went to our story time at the library, which she loves. After story time we go to the kid's section and pick out a new stash of books. She loves to curl up with the library's huge teddy bear and a new book!

Later in the day, we went for a run and stopped at the nearby park for a little playtime halfway through the run (much needed for both of us). I was hoping to get Sofia in the running stroller in time to get her to the train track to watch the train, but she wanted to play time.

Hanging out with teddy at the library

Splashing in the fountain outside the library (Sofia has to do this every time we leave)

Watching the bear take the first test ride

Not so sure....

And there she goes!

At the park - riding the bouncing airplane

Climbing! She loves this and is actually very good at it (I help if needed and make sure she doesn't land on her head)


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