Friday, December 5, 2008

Sofia at 16 months....

Here is our little girl a week or so after turning 16 months. We were in Santa Fe enjoying Thanksgiving on the day, so didn't take the regular monthly photo of her in her chair with monkeys. Her hair is really growing in and she is getting so big and seems to be growing up on a daily basis. She mimics everything now and loves to give kisses and hugs, even to ladybugs, rocks, and especially her books! She had a pediatrician appointment on December 1st and weighed 24.12 lbs and is 32.5 inches tall - she's in the 90th percentile for height and 75th for weight. On October 8th, she weighed 24.09 lbs and was 31.5 inches tall.

Our big little girl

With her baby doll

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