Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sofia at 8 months

Well, she's eight months old today! So hard to believe how quickly she is growing up (I think I write that every month, don't I?!)! CK and I celebrated her birthday by hiring a baby sitter and going out to dinner - although we did talk about her!

Her little tooth is sprouting up and she has another one on the way, although you can just see it and can't quite feel it yet. She's drooling like crazy lately but remains in a good mood. It's starting to be warm enough for Sofia to wear dresses without tights (finally), so she's been grabbing her chubby thighs because she doesn't really see them much! I figure she should wear all of her cute dresses before she can really crawl. Anyway, here are some pictures.

Eight months old!

Toys! Sofia pulled all of these toys out of her two toy boxes and had fun.

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