Wednesday, August 14, 2024

First Day of Sofia's Senior Year!

 Where has the time gone? Sofia is off to her first day of Senior Year and it seems like we were just sending her off to Kindergarten not too long ago. She recently turned 17 and is loving her job working at Menchie's frozen yogurt, loves drawing and being creative and spending time with friends (playing Dungeon and Dragons, mainly). She has had a range of passions over the years - cars and trains, dinosaurs, solar system/space travel, gems/minerals, writing, and now marine biology.  She loves cartoons and science fiction and enjoys Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other things. She desperately wants to study sharks and focus on marine animals.  We hope she enjoys her senior year by taking challenging classes, spending time with her friends and focusing on her future. She's super creative and loves to draw and write and I hope she continues with those passions.  

Sofia on her first day of Kindergarten!

Off to her first day of Senior Year!

She wanted to have a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack for her first few days of school.  Apparently it is a trend. 

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