Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day!

Mother's Day arrived and thankfully the promise of all-day rain didn't materialize. It sprinkled a little in the morning, but was otherwise clear and turned out to be a decent day. We checked in on Olivia and Skipper who were still snoozing in the garage. Olivia said he's slept well and there were no accidents, but she hadn't slept that great. I can't imagine sleeping in the garage would be too comfortable, but I'm so proud of her for wanting to comfort her puppy. We ended up just having coffee and enjoying our morning in our pajamas which was great. I felt like I really needed to take a break from eating! We walked the puppies to the end of the runway again and Skipper didn't seem that interested in walking. He would stop, sit down and watch us until he finally decided to run ahead and join us. He's so uncertain and everything is so new to him, but he seems smart and willing to learn new things. He sure loves his girls and wants to be with them.

We relaxed on the patio until our amazing Mother's Day lunch! CK Sr. grilled steaks, and Connie made baked potatoes, steamed broccoli and salad. It was SO amazing and such a great meal and celebration. Before eating, the girls helped Grandma set the table. Connie is always so amazing at setting a gorgeous table and very creative with how she decorates. She makes each meal feel very special and I think the food tastes better when it is set on a beautiful setting. The table was especially beautiful for Mother's Day and I took a picture of Connie and the girls, since they made it happen. Lunch was so good and the best part was after: sliced strawberries and vanilla ice cream on vanilla pound cake. The girls have actually never had it before and they absolutely LOVED it. I don't think I've had it in years and couldn't believe how delicious it was! Such a great ending to an amazing meal.

Connie and CK Sr. gave me a beautiful variegated pink tulip plant and a thoughtful card and the girls gave me a box of Godiva, a bag of Dove dark chocolates and two of the sweetest homemade Mother's Day cards. They had made them before we left for Florida and were very careful about hiding them so I didn't see them beforehand. They were very thoughtful and sweet and the homemade cards are always the most thoughtful.

The rest of the day we hung out, rode around on the Gator and CK took Olivia up in the Cub. We also loaded up in the Gator and drove over to see the brand new baby colt at Charlie's house across the road. He was SO adorable and his momma was completely amazed at what exactly Buddy might be. She came over to us because she wanted to sniff and figure out Buddy! The colt jumped around and tried to kick up his heels but would nearly fall over. He was so adorable!

We returned to the farm and played with the puppy, relaxed and read and enjoyed a lazy Mother's Day. For dinner we ate the leftovers from Sunny's which was just as delicious as the night before. For bed, Sofia agreed to sleep in the garage with the puppy. Lucky puppy!

One of my favorite pictures of my Mom and me. I miss her so much today and every day.

Grandma and her girls behind the beautiful table setting for Mother's Day!

Sweet girls with Grandma!

Olivia's sweet homemade Mother's Day card! So sweet!

I love her drawing at the bottom.

She wanted to quit piano a few weeks ago and I convinced her to stick it out and we also spent the past Saturday buying and planting flowers.

Sofia's beautiful card! She really worked hard on this card and I love it!

I really love the flowers and bees Sofia drew!

Sofia and her sweet sentiments! Love that girl and am so lucky I'm her Mom!

Skipper hit the lottery with these girls!!

The colt and his Mama!

Mother's Day picture. The girls and dogs and me!

The girls and me!

First family photo!

Cute pup!

Sofia driving like a maniac on the Gator! Love this picture!

Skipper and CK.

Hanging out with one of his girls while she reads.

Time for a snooze.

Olivia and her Papa going for a Cub ride.

Buddy and Skipper...the only time they have ever actually been near each other.

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