Monday, August 19, 2019

First Day of School!

Today was the first day of school for Sofia going into 7th grade and Olivia into 3rd grade! Although they haven't gotten out of bed before 9am all summer, they actually roused pretty easily at 6:30am. I think they were both excited and looking forward to getting the year started. On Thursday afternoon, we went to CES to see the class list and meet Olivia's teacher this year. Olivia was really excited and hopeful that she and Cora, one of her best friends would be in class for the 3rd straight year. After getting to school, we found the list in the hallway and unfortunately neither Cora or Hannah are in class with Olivia this year. Olivia was so disappointed that she started crying and wanted to go home! I knew she would be upset, but I was surprised at how upset she was. After a few minutes, I talked her into meeting her new teacher, Mrs. Smith, since I don't know who she is and I really wanted to meet her. Olivia dried her tears and we headed upstairs to the 3rd grade hall. Sofia enjoyed being back at CES and walking the halls too, which was pretty cool. She loved visiting her 3rd grade teacher, Mrs. Feaster, who was a first year teacher when Sofia had her for 3rd grade! She couldn't believe how big Sofia has gotten!

We made it to Mrs. Smith's classroom and she immediately gave both Olivia and me a huge hug! She has a huge smile and tons of positive energy and I know it's going to be a great year for our little 3rd grader! She was still a little blue when she found her desk but lightened up enough for a picture before turning a little sad again. So, we checked out who else was in her class and I know it's going to be a great year for her, even if she is apprehensive now. While Olivia checked out her seat and who else would be at her table, Sofia immediately picked out a book from Mrs. Smith's shelves, sat on the couch and started reading. We said hello to Cora and her family and Hannah before we headed home.

This morning, after a filling breakfast of a cheese omelette for Olivia and a breakfast sandwich for Sofia, the four of us drove to CES to drop Olivia off for her first day. We were one of the first students to Mrs. Smith's class and she offered Olivia a huge happy hug. We settled Olivia into her desk and gave her a few last hugs before wishing her a great first day. Then, we drove to CTMS to drop Sofia off. Of course, Sofia is cool as a cucumber and not at all nervous about her year ahead. On our drive I asked if she had her schedule and she realized she didn't but said she'd "figure it out" and wasn't worried at all. I showed her the photo of her schedule so she knew her classroom numbers and we dropped her off at C Hall and wished her well. She showed little emotion one way or another for her first day of 7th grade!

At pick-up, I asked Olivia how her day went and she said it was good. She said one of the girls in her class sat next to her at lunch and didn't let any other girls talk or play with Olivia. This particular girl has done this to other girls we know, so I told her to continue telling her it is wrong to exclude others. Besides that little story, she said she had fun at recess and she likes Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Seifried, who will be teaching her math and science. So, it seemed like a good first day. We drove over to CTMS and picked up Sofia, who loves to tell every detail of her day. She loves her math teacher and has the same teachers for science and art. She has a new teacher to CTMS for her Humanities/Texas history period, and she said he is very funny and awesome. Also, Coach Arnold is her coach for PE and he is the brother-in-law of one of her very favorite teachers from middle school. She has a new teacher for Independent Study, but likes her and is super excited for her year. She wasn't sure what to expect and thinks she has the best teachers ever. She also has made a vow to stay on top of all of her work and homework and turn things in on time! Hopefully she can stick to that! We are very excited for a fun year for both girls!

Thursday afternoon after getting the student list and finding her new desk.

Her true feelings come out...poor girl.

Sofia is happy to hang out and read.

Olivia's schedule for this school year.

Sofia's class schedule for 7th grade.

Olivia is ready!

CK and Olivia.

Sofia is ready for her first day of 7th grade!

Our sweet girls!

The girls and me.

Love these girls so much!

CK and his girls!

Olivia is a little tired.....

Heading up to the 3rd grade hallway.

Walking to Mrs. Smith's classroom.

A much-needed hug from her sweet teacher!

Olivia and Mrs. Smith.

Settling Olivia into her 3rd grade desk.

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