Saturday, April 20, 2019

Spring Soccer with The Rockets

Olivia is playing soccer with the Rockets again this season and has rally enjoyed it a lot. Her team practice is on Tuesday afternoon, right after the girls take piano lessons. Coach Doug leads all of the practices since Coach Matt is either traveling or busy with his other kids. Olivia really enjoys soccer and the team and the parents are all a lot of fun too. I take photos at all the games and send them to the parents and we took our team photo today after our game. It turned out really well and I was glad to capture a great picture of the girls and their awesome coaches. Olivia likes playing both offense and defense and is good at taking control of the ball when it is kicked out on it's own. She is less comfortable going into the fray to get the ball from an opponent, but will stop the ball and turn it if needed. She is very fast and very good at catching up to her opponent and taking over the ball. She's great at defense because of her speed. She enjoys soccer and her team and I hope we continue in the fall.

Olivia and her team mates celebrate after scoring, on a very cold soccer day!

There goes Olivia!

Playing defense.

Olivia in action on a perfect day for soccer.

Our sweet soccer girl.

She takes off with the ball again...

The "official" team photo!

Team photo with our great coaches!

Silly photo!

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