Saturday, June 23, 2018

Horse Camp for Olivia!

This past week, Olivia and her best friend, Hannah, went to horse camp at Ride with Pride in Southlake. This is the third year Olivia has done horse camp and she loves it and looks forward to it so much. Sofia originally wanted to take horse camp too, but after she returned from Florida with her Papa, she didn't show a lot of interest. So, Olivia enjoyed her camp with her friend while Sofia was flying back with her Papa. She loves riding horses, petting chickens, feeding fish in their pond and being surrounded by all sorts of animals, but she equally loves the crafts that they do at camp each day. This week the campers painted a wooden picture frame, a wooden box with photos of Olivia glued to the outside, a box with a lid that also included pictures of Olivia riding a horse, and a small bird house. They also made a tie-died Ride With Pride shirt, as she's done every year.

During the week, Olivia rode several horses but loved Sunny and Dolly the most. She also loved having a snow cone every afternoon, just before picking up Olivia for the day. She had so much fun and especially loved having Hannah with her during the camp. Of course, none of her boots fit her anymore and I was reluctant to buy her new boots prior to camp, so she used a pair that they had at camp. They were too big, but worked just fine.

On Friday, Olivia and her fellow campers had their rodeo, which started at 7pm. Of course, it was unbearably hot, as it's been every single rodeo camp we've ever attended. Once we arrived Olivia showed us all of her great crafts, including a sleeve of photos taken of her during the camp. She has a huge smile on her face during every photo and looks like she's having a great time. I love how much she loves horse camp! After checking out all of her great crafts, we headed over to pet all the horses. After meeting all the horses, we then found a spot in the seating area of the arena. Meanwhile all the kids walked to the far side of the arena and the rodeo started!

Finally, it was Olivia's turn and she rode Sunny, one of her favorites! She did a great job and it was so fun to watch her. Once the rodeo was finished, all the kids lined up at the far end of the arena and ran across toward us as fast as they could. Olivia and Hannah ran together and were having a great time...until her boot fell off! She yanked it back on and continued running.

The kids enjoyed watermelon and lemonade while Doreen and the camp counselors passed out awards. Olivia was awarded the Horsemanship Award. Sofia loved her camp counselor, Katelyn, and I took some cute pictures of them together. After all the awards were handed out, all the campers gathered together for one last photo together. We said goodbye to Hannah and headed to CK's truck for a drive down to the lake! It was such a fun end of a great week at horse camp for Olivia!

Olivia with all of her crafts made during her week of horse camp!

Olivia's crafts

The four of us!

Olivia and her horse camp counselor, Katelyn!

Our little horse rider

Olivia and me

Olivia riding Sunny during her rodeo

Olivia's friend, Hannah

Running across the arena after the rodeo

It's all fun and games until you lose a boot!

Back on the run!

Olivia on the award stand with her counselor

Olivia and her counselor

Hannah was the fastest rider of the entire camp!

All the horse camp riders

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