Sunday, August 27, 2017

Olivia at 6 Years Old!

Our girl is SIX years old! Although she seems to be growing up so fast, CK and I agree that she still doesn't seem as grown up as Sofia did at this age. Olivia is carefree and fun and easy-going and our social butterfly. It's amazing how different the girls are from each other, yet they get along so well and are best friends (most of the time). Olivia is a week into 1st grade and is still shy and not certain about being back in school with a new teacher and a new group of kids. Her teacher, Ms. Feaster, seems like a great fit and we are certain Olivia will warm up and feel comfortable in her class in no time. At 6, Olivia is 47 1/2 inches tall and weighs 54.2 lbs, and wears size 6 clothes and size 12.5 or 13 shoe. She isn't as tall as Sofia was at this age, yet is tall in her class even though she's the youngest.

Olivia's favorites:

Breakfast: vanilla yogurt
Lunch: peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Dinner: spaghetti casserole or salmon
Vegetable: cucumbers

Olivia's favorite colors: pink and purple
She wants to be: a dog trainer, teacher, or rocket designer
Her favorite book: anything with a mermaid in it!
Her favorite Show: PJ Masks or My Little Pony

Olivia loves to play with her sister and still loves mermaids and unicorns, although she also enjoys Star Wars and dragons since that is what Sofia wants to play and isn't as interested in mermaids and unicorns. She loves having her nails painted, doing her hair and always wants to put powder on her face. She loves dressing well and is very particular about what she wears and how she looks. She will let me braid her hair, although she prefers a single ponytail most days. I love doing double french braids in her hair. Every night she wants us to read her a story (or several) and then she is tucked in with her two lovies - Giraffey and Cutie (a brown stuffed monkey). She isn't a strong reader yet, and finds it particularly frustrating at night when she's tired. She wants to read each word perfectly, so once she misses a word or two, she's done and wants to be read to instead.

Olivia is always up for running errands, going to the park or trying something new. She prefers being on the go to hanging out at home, although she's pretty flexible. She loves having play dates and comes home each day asking who she can have a play date with that week. She is my tennis player and took a few lessons over the summer. She tells me all the time that she wants to really learn and play "when she's older." She loves soccer and is good at it, although she could be more proactive in going after the ball at times. She is an excellent defender and can run down the ball every time. She is so fun to watch because she has a smile on her face the entire game. She's also just started piano lessons with James, and James has said that she is a perfectionist when it comes to playing, which will serve her well as she really starts to learn and play.

CK and I often joke that our two girls could use a little bit of what each have a lot of. Olivia could use a little bit more of Sofia's lack of caring what other people think, while Sofia could use a little bit of Olivia's compassion and empathy. They are very opposite in these areas and it can cause some frustration for both of them. Olivia really adores Sofia and really looks up to her. We can't wait to see what Olivia does in the coming year!

Our sweet SIX year old!

Flying in the Cub with her Papa - a big favorite of hers!

Our little soccer player!

On the birthday chair with her favorite lovey - Giraffey! She sleeps with Giraffey every night.

Sweet sisters and friends!

Focusing on a painting craft

Our little mermaid!

Playing dress-up with her buddy, Antonio!

Antonio, Olivia and Sofia! Love this picture!

With her friends after a HOT day at Camp Thurman!

Her sweet friend, Cora!

Her best friend, Hannah J!

And with her Mommy!

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