Thursday, July 28, 2016


Sofia woke up at 8am ready to swim but waited for Olivia to wake up so she would have a fellow mermaid in the pool with her. After Olivia got up, the girls got into their new swimsuits and got into their mermaid tails by the pool. They both fit perfectly and Sofia could get into her's without help while Olivia needed help getting her feet into the tail. She could pull the tail up from there, but then needed to be put into the pool, so I slowly lowered her into the shallow end. I was interested to see how they would swim with their mermaid tails, thinking it would take them a bit to get used to. However, they both took to it like fish! It was amazing! They immediately started swimming like real mermaids! They both swam and made up stories about being mermaid sisters and where they lived, what they ate, etc. It was really sweet! They swam and had fun for awhile before we got them out for blueberry pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes and berries. Of course both girls chose chocolate chip. After finishing, they both put their mermaid tails back on and got back into the pool for more swimming. They ended up taking off their mermaid tails after a while, probably since it looks like hard work to swim with your feet together.

After lunch, Connie and I ran errands to prepare for the party the next day while the girls stayed home with their Grandpa and watched a show on our computer. CK made it home around 5:30pm and we enjoyed Sofia's requested birthday dinner of grilled salmon, filet mignon (for the adults who don't like salmon), roasted cauliflower, salad and tangerines. It was delicious and fun to celebrate her birthday still. After dinner and cleaning up, we ate another piece of birthday cake and then watched the movie "Miracles of Heaven" with Grandma. We'd actually seen the movie a few weeks before, but the girls liked it so much they wanted Grandma to see it too. OF course, it was good and the girls loved cuddling up with Grandma while watching it. After the movie, the girls went to bed after enjoying a very mermaid-filled day!

Our little mermaids...

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