Thursday, January 21, 2016

Olivia's Rodeo Lunch

This afternoon, I joined Olivia in her school's gym for her "rodeo lunch" which included hot dogs, chips, grapes, little bottles of water and cookies. Earlier in the day, the kids rode ponies and made their own bandanas, which they wore to the rodeo lunch. It was a little rainy in the morning, so apparently the kids were able to ride the ponies, but planned to take photos on the ponies the following week once the weather is better. I signed up to provide cookies, so I pulled up a recipe for "horse cookies" from Pinterest and Olivia helped me make them the day before her rodeo lunch. They were pretty easy to make and really turned out cute. Unfortunately I never really got a decent photo of one, except for seconds before Olivia ate hers at school.

I arrived in the school's gym just as the hot dogs were being served and Olivia gobbled hers down and actually ate another one! Guess all that pony riding must have made her hungry! After lunch, the entire school got up and danced and sang a few "rodeo" songs. It was possibly the cutest thing ever! I was really curious how Olivia would do, since she's generally pretty shy. However, she really got into it and was awesome! She danced and sang away to each song. The school recently got a new music teacher and she is really terrific. Olivia comes home most days singing new songs she's learned.

After the performance, I was able to take Olivia home since her class only had another hour left of school. I figure I don't have many more school days left where I can take her home early. We grabbed a coffee and apple juice and headed home to play. Such a fun day!

A very excited girl before she heads off to school

Olivia wearing her bandana at the rodeo lunch

The horse cookie I made yesterday for Sofia's class

Rodeo lunch selfie!

Olivia on Oreo

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