Thursday, September 10, 2015

Our Outstanding Owl

This week, Olivia's first full week of school at Noah's Ark, she was named "Outstanding Owl" since her birthday is closest to the start of school. She was asked to make a board about her, including photos or drawings of her family and things she liked to do and eat. I was also responsible for bringing in the snacks for all three days and could bring a special treat for one of those days to celebrate her birthday with her class.

For her poster, I printed off pictures of her and Sofia with her Grandma and Grandpa during our trip in August, a photo of them with their Great Grandma, a photo of them with their cousins, photos of Olivia swimming and playing with My Little Pony and other little animals, a photo of Buddy, a picture with Aunt and Uncle from our July visit to Santa Fe, a family photo of the four of us and Buddy, and a picture of her and Sofia together. It's so rare that I get prints made anymore so it was fun to actually hold photos that we've taken. I also took the opportunity to print extras and send them to Grandma and Grandpa, Great Grandma and Aunt and Uncle. After we had the photos organized, I asked Olivia a few questions about her favorites:

Color: Pink and Purple
Food: Carrots, Salmon and Chicken
Dessert: Vanilla Ice Cream
Book/s: Can you Catch a Mermaid and Goodnight Mermaid
TV Show: My Little Pony
Things to do: Play with My Little Pony toys, swim, read books, gymnastics, play with my sister, pretend to be a mermaid, make and eat cookies.

Olivia also had a bag that she could add a few favorite things to so she could share with her class. She put her stuffed dog toy, both of her favorite books and a few My Little Pony toys in it and headed off to school. I told Mrs. Michelle that Olivia would likely not share her photos and favorites by herself since she's pretty shy until she knows people for a while. Mrs. Michelle said she'd be happy to walk Olivia through it or talk about everything on her own, if needed. When I picked her up from school on Monday, Mrs. Michelle said Olivia had done a great job sharing with her class! She must already feel pretty comfortable with her classmates.

For the special treat, I made the mermaid tail cupcakes I'd originally planned to make for Olivia's birthday party that we decided not to throw. They were delicious and really turned out cute. I brought them in for Thursday's class so the kids could enjoy them before the start of their weekend. So far, Olivia seems very happy in her new school which is fantastic!

Olivia with her sign

The All About Me sign

Her favorites

Mermaid tail cupcakes. Yum!

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