Saturday, November 1, 2014

Trick or Treat!

The girls had a fun and successful time trick-or-treating last night. We were a bit uncertain how much trick-or-treating would happen because Olivia had a stomach bug all day Thursday and wasn't feeling herself. Luckily she wasn't sick at all on Friday, although she didn't eat much either so I wasn't sure how much fun she would have walking around in the cold. In past years we've gone trick-or-treating with our neighbors Marco and Stacy and their two kids as well as another neighbor boy, Brandon, however this year Marco and Stacy were out of town and Brandon felt he was "too old" to trick-or-treat. Instead, Sofia was invited by one of her classmates and school friends to go trick-or-treating in her neighborhood which is maybe a half mile away.

The girls decided they wanted to be Elsa and Anna months ago and I ended up buying their costumes on a discount website maybe two months ago so the girls have dressed up and played in their costumes many times. In fact, I'm surprised they are both in as good of shape as they are since they have played outside, eaten lots of meals and played hard in their dress-up dresses. I really love to make their costumes and be a little more original than the mainstream "Frozen" focus, but it was easy and I love how much enjoyment they have both gotten out of their costumes for weeks and they likely will for a long time after Halloween, as well. Sofia first came up with the idea that we all dress up, with CK dressing as Kristoff, me as Olaf the snowman and Buddy as Sven the reindeer. So, CK and I dressed up and we ended up leaving Buddy at home since we were dog sitting Marco and Stacy's dogs and didn't want them to feel lonely. Also, I completely forgot and never looked for reindeer antlers for the dog! I'm sure he wouldn't have loved it anyway!

Sofia was really excited while Olivia was a bit unsure of what exactly we'd be doing since she doesn't remember Halloween from last year. I got the girls dressed and took a few photos of them on our front lawn before CK made it home and we headed over to Shivani's neighborhood at 5:30. Their neighborhood hosts a pizza party in one of the cup-de-sacs for all the families and also has a very informal costume contest. Once we arrived, we met up with Shivani and her parents and found that several of Sofia's classmates live in the same neighborhood. They all ran around together with little Olivia tagging along. The pizza soon arrived and we all ate a little bit before the costume contest and then started trick-or-treating. Sofia stuck with Shivani and another classmate, Devon and Devon's little brother who is 4 years old, while Olivia tried to keep up. She did a good job and had fun saying "trick-or-treat" at each of the homes. The three older girls ended up collecting a lot of candy, while Olivia wasn't as focused on candy as she was on all the Halloween decorations. Surprisingly, she liked the scariest stuff the most!! One of the houses actually set up a screen and had a projector showing three very real looking and spooky skeletons coming out of the ground and clawing to get to who ever was watching. It was actually really creepy, however, Olivia was completely transfixed and wanted to stand there and watch the skeletons over and over! She wouldn't even continue down the street to trick-or-treat! Luckily the entire neighborhood is a series of cup-de-sacs, so after we'd visited all the homes, we naturally turned toward our starting point. It had become fairly cold out so we made it back to our car around 8 or 8:30 and headed home. Of course, Sofia immediately dug into her candy, while Olivia didn't touch a piece. I think her tummy still wasn't completely settled.

Once in our neighborhood, we drove to the end of the street to our friend Mitzi and Bill's house where we always visit and said Happy Halloween and got even more candy! From there we headed home and put the girls to bed and then assessed their candy. We may have enjoyed a few Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Kit Kats. In fact, this morning Sofia went through her pumpkin and said "Mommy, I got Kit Kats last night....but I can't find them...." Oops!

My homemade Olaf hat

Elsa and Anna playing.

Elsa showing off her freezing powers.

All set to trick-or-treat!

Such a pretty Elsa!

Sofia and her school friends before pizza

Our sweet Anna

The costume contest

Olaf, Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff

The first trick-or-treat house!

Off to collect more candy


Anna takes a little blanket and thumb sucking break

With our neighbor Mitzi

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