Monday, February 27, 2012

Olivia at 6 Months

Our little girl is growing fast and still such a pleasant, smily baby. She's so happy and just goes with the flow, unless she's tired during the day and then she'll fuss a bit before she falls asleep (she almost never does at night). She's really loving eating solids and actually gets upset when we are eating and she isn't and will fuss until she gets something she can eat too. I made her a lentil and veggie dish that she seems to love and have given her little bits of soft crackers and tiny pieces of bread and it all goes down. She's also had banana again and it seems to be agreeing with her now. She's still a great sleeper, after a little hiccup in Florida when she would wake up every few hours at night - how exhausting! She's now sleeping again from 6/6:30 until 5:30am or sometimes later and then goes back to sleep until 7:30 or 8am. At night she sucks her right hand thumb and falls asleep easily, even though during the day she either falls asleep without anything or her pacifier. Either way, she's not missing out on any sleep!

She still doesn't roll over although she often rolls and sleeps on her side and I just haven't been giving her enough tummy time to promote her rolling over. She loves to sit up and watch her sister play and doesn't fall over very often now. If she does fall over, she is happy to play with her feet. She's just a generally happy and smily girl. She's also happy to go to a stranger and doesn't cry for me (yet) when I leave her in someone else's arms - like at the gym day care.

This morning she visited Dr. Hopkins for her 6 month check up and he was very pleased with her growth and development. She got three injections and one oral vaccine but handled it like a champ. She cried for maybe two minutes and then was fine! Amazing! She's 26" tall (61 percentile), weighs 15lb 6oz (38 percentile) and has a head circumference of 42cm (37 percentile). It's pretty surprising since Sofia was in the 95 percentile at 6 months. She's getting big so fast though and we're trying to enjoy it all since it really does fly by.

Our big girl at 6 months!

Olivia's close-up

Our pensive little girl

Getting bigger next to her stuffed animals

All smiles!

Love those adorable baby feet

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