Friday, January 27, 2012

Olivia at 5 Months

Our little girl is growing up so fast! She's five months and has gained an inch from last month and is now 26 inches long although she still weighs exactly the same: 15.2 lbs. She certainly feels like she's gained weight since I carry her around a lot of the day, but apparently she's stayed the same in the past four weeks. She does love to be held and carried around, but it seems like she enjoys seeing new things and exploring rather than sitting in one place. Although, she will sit in her Bumbo and watch her big sister play forever - she is completely captivated by Sofia's various train stories. Although she doesn't have any teeth yet, I think it may be soon since EVERYTHING goes into the mouth to be chewed on! She even tries to chew on her Bumbo seat while she's sitting in it, which is pretty difficult. She has also started grabbing things and I have to remind myself of this before taking a drink of water or coffee, since she'll try to grab at it. She started doing this in Hawaii while I'd be drinking from a cup with a lid and straw and oftentimes she'd pull the straw right out of my mouth! It's so fun to watch her play with a toy and move it from hand to hand while she's so concentrated on it! In the bath she has started playing with the Mickey and Miney Mouse figures that her cousin Chandler sent her for Christmas. It's so cute to watch her stare into their eyes and then stick their nose into her mouth to chew!

Olivia is a happy little girl who is content to hang out, especially if she's being held. She's a real snuggler who loves to be cuddled, especially at nap time. She's got a great smile that she shows off often, although to strangers she doesn't smile right away. She doesn't have any problem going off with a stranger and since I go to the gym 3-4 times a week, this is very helpful. She's completely content for me to hand her off at the child center and walk out. She doesn't fuss much over anything and will often wake up in the morning and just hang out in her crib quietly cooing and making happy noises for a long time. Her absolute favorite thing in the world is to be with her big sister and she completely lights up as soon as Sofia enters the room. Sofia's great at entertaining her too, which is such a help.

She can't roll over yet, although on her playmate she's made it over onto her side a few times. Thankfully, she's still a great sleeper who usually goes down without a fuss at 6:30 or 7pm and wakes up between 7 and 7:30am! Olivia sucks her thumb (her right thumb seems to be the favorite), although only when she's going to bed at night. At naps she takes a pacifier but otherwise she doesn't usually take it when she's going off to bed for the night. It's such a luxury to have a sleeper at this age! She's still in size 2 diapers although could probably move up to size 3 soon and it seems she's going through her clothes so quickly! She's wearing 3-6 month well, although I've bought a few 6-12 month size pants which are too long for her but the 3-6 month are a tad short.

Whose the big girl?

Not really that big, I guess....

Our pretty girl in her chair

Olivia's close up

With her big sister

Our beautiful girls!!

Grabbing toys on her play mat.

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