Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sofia's Wow-owl!

After searching through book stores, toy shops, and even the grocery store, I finally turned to the internet to order Sofia her own stuffed owl (or "wow-owl" as she calls it). She is in love with owls right now and wants to read all of the books that contain owl pictures or drawings. So, the owl named "Hootie" arrived yesterday and there was much excitement when the box opened, however, Sofia quickly tossed Hootie aside to play with the 'birth certificate' that also contains a picture of an owl.....so much for that idea! Since then she has warmed up considerably to Hootie and carries him around most places and slept with him last night and during today's morning nap.


Still happy with Hootie

Playing with Hootie's "birth certificate"

Sofia's favorites - her baby and Hootie - giving hugs to both

Going out to pick up our mail. Sofia insisted on bringing Hootie, CK's lunch pail, or "bag" as Sofia calls it, and cloves, which I was using for dinner.....I'm sure our neighbors think we're crazy!

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