Sunday, December 11, 2016

Dino Wrapping Co. is Born!

Last week Sofia officially started the Dino Wrapping Co. which will wrap any present for $1. She actually is a pretty decent present wrapper and she is excited, for the first time, about making some money on the side. She was super eager to wrap presents for all of us and then was excellent at keeping a secret about what the presents were. I told a few moms at school and they were actually asking if she could wrap presents for them! I don't think she's ready to take on that much wrapping yet, but maybe next year. She had fun adding the ribbon and also adding a card that included the Dino Wrapping Co. logo and sticker.

When I was about her age, I started the Turtle Wrapping Company and did the same thing, but for .50/present. I think my Mom was my only customer and then she paid me $40 for my work, even though it was well more than I should have been paid. It was fun to wrap presents and I did it for a few years. I must have told Sofia a story about the Turtle Wrapping Company, or maybe she just had the idea on her own. Either way, I love that she had fun, was a huge help and enjoyed making some extra money.

All set to wrap presents!


She's so proud of the Dino Wrapping Company tag.

Another tag.

Sofia's price list!

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