Saturday, May 9, 2015

Olivia's End of the Year Program!

Yesterday was Olivia's end of the year program for Spanish Schoolhouse and it almost didn't happen for Olivia! Sofia woke complaining that her legs ached and hurt and she felt "heavy" but never said she felt sick, so I told her to get dressed and come down for breakfast before school. We were literally a minute away from walking out the door to go to school, when she said she "didn't feel well" so I felt her forehead and noticed she was warm. Her temperature was 100, so I knew she'd have to stay home from school even though she really didn't have any other symptoms and I planned on being the share reader that day, which she and I really look forward to. So, I called Mrs. Livingston and told her that Sofia would be home sick.

That afternoon, after the girls played, read, watched movies and lounged on the couch, I had them both take naps. Olivia's nap stretched a little longer than it should have and before I knew it it was already 5:30 and we needed to leave at 6pm to get her to Abundant Life Church in Grapevine where her performance would start at 6:30pm! I let her continue sleeping while I ran and got ready quickly. I then tried to wake her up after a 2-plus hour nap and get her ready to go perform. Big mistake! She didn't want to wear the jean shorts and white top that we were asked to put all the kids in for the program and wanted nothing to do with "school." I later realized she was not only tired but likely pretty hungry too. I tried to explain to her that I'd be taking her to her show and would be watching her perform, just like she did at Christmas. CK agreed to stay home with Sofia and her fever. Despite my best efforts of explaining the situation to Olivia, she was not going to go and would not be wearing the outfit I asked her to put on. I tried everything and actually gave up on going by 6:10pm, when Sofia asked me if I could unlock my cell phone for her. I wasn't sure what her plan was, but it was brilliant! She showed Olivia video from the show she did in December with her class and told Olivia how great she did and how much fun it must have been. Olivia agreed to go! She was NOT going to wear the shorts, so we agreed on jean leggings and a long sleeve white shirt along with sandals and a high ponytail. We were out the door by 6:25pm with Olivia assuring me that she didn't plan on dancing but would go and "watch" the show with me. I pretty much knew once she was there it would be easy. I also gave her a granola bar and water while I zipped to the church as quickly as I could!

We arrived around 6:40pm and hurried to the entrance, with Olivia assuring me she did not plan to dance. The 2 year old classes were on stage and all the other kids were in their seats to the right, so I fought through the parents and made our way to Ms. Carolina who was so relieved that we'd arrived! She took Olivia in the back to get her dressed and I found an empty seat near the back. As soon as the 2 year old class was done, a group in the center 3rd row left, so I moved into some great seats! I watched the kinder class and the first 3 year old class dance and then it was Olivia's class' turn! She danced with Silas and they were right in the front. She saw me once she was on the stage and I think it made her a little nervous and self-conscious since she kept looking out to me during the dance. They really did a great job and danced away! I got a really good video of them, too!

Olivia and Silas were moved to the back row for the second song, so I just captured glimpses of her. I took a video of her dancing but ended up stopping it since I couldn't really see her. She looked like she was having a great time though and danced her little heart out! The four year old class danced followed by one more performance by the Kinder class and then the entire school came onto the stage and sang "Deep In the Heart of Texas." It was awesome and Olivia was right in the center and did all of her hand gestures and looked like she was having a ball!

After the show, I met Olivia back in the dressing area that her class had used and we headed to our car and decided to celebrate with a Johnny B's burger and milkshake! She was so chipper and excited after such a fun show and it was fun to spend a little one-on-one time with Olivia, although Sofia was heartbroken when she realized she couldn't go with us. She and CK were home watching a movie together and eating popcorn. After eating, we headed home. What a super fun night, after a lot of negotiating and pleading. It all worked out!

Announcing the next act in English...

And in Spanish....

Olivia's class takes the stage!

Getting ready to dance

With her dance partner, Silas

The music begins


The entire school gets ready to sing "Deep in the Heart of Texas"

She's ready to start

What a fun end of the year show!

Our post-show selfie!

Dinner and a milkshake

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