Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Fun at the Youth Fair

On our way to visit CK's Grandma again, we decided to stop off at the Youth Fair for another visit. When we arrived the first thing we saw was a camel and his owner offering camel rides! Of course Sofia was up for it so she climbed the platform and hopped on his back. As she was being led around, we could hear her talking away about something, as usual. From there, we visited the petting zoo which had a few great displays and hands on areas to play, as well as an assortment of animals. After touring the tent, Sofia's favorite was to play in the bin of corn and make up stories. CK visited with his friend Hugh so Sofia played in the corn and visited the animals for a while. After, she saw the bungee bouncer and desperately wanted to go on it! Since she was the only kid around, the guy let her stay on it for a really long time which she loved. She's such a daring girl.

Riding around on the camel....and talking up a storm

She looks perfectly content on the camel!

A close-up

Holding the baby goat at the petting zoo.

Playing in the corn - her favorite part

The bungee swing!

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