Thursday, February 23, 2012

Fun at Grandpa and Grandma's House

On Saturday February 18th, Sofia, Olivia and I flew to Florida to their Grandma and Grandpa's house for a few days of visiting and relaxing. Of course, they loved all the attention from their grandparents and had a fun-filled few days. Sofia pulled out all of the Thomas Train goodies and all the other toys tucked away in the guest closet and completely took over the living room. She spent hours playing with everything and thoroughly enjoyed herself. Her absolute favorite thing was a crown, "Princess" outfit, and two sets of dress-up shoes she got from her Grandma and Grandpa. She wore the shoes everywhere and soon had terrible blisters on her feet from the plastic straps, however, that didn't stop her from wearing her new "princess" shoes!

While there, CK, Sofia and I spent some time driving the tractor around the farm picking up tree limbs that were blown around by strong wind. It was a clear, sunny day when we went out and it ended up being a lot of fun. Of course, Sofia loved it and was sure to wear her crown throughout the effort. Meanwhile, Olivia enjoyed some one-on-one time with her Grandma and practiced sitting up and playing with her toys.

The toys come out!

Green Beup Beup and "Princess" Sofia

The three of us on the tractor

Sofia and I drove the tractor while CK picked up tree limbs

Sofia and Green on the trailer with the limbs and Spanish moss

Sofia and Grandma watched a Thomas Train movie that they gave her for Valentine's Day. Sofia was completely glued!

Sofia and her Grandma. Sofia is wearing her current "favorite" dress that her Grandma sent her a few weeks ago. She's also wearing her new Princess shoes.

Olivia lounging in the living room

Such a happy girl!

Olivia and her Grandma and Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandma with both girls.

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