She still loves to eat macaroni mickey mousse, and pretty much anything with bread or cheese on or in it, although she's not really that picky of an eater. She still isn't much of a meat eater, but does like salmon and will at least try other fish and meat, but usually prefers eating without meat in her food. She loves strawberries, bananas, pineapple, and peaches (but without the skin). She'll eat pretty much any fruit or try any vegetable but may not devour it like she does her favorites.
Since our time in California, her napping is hit or miss. While we were with Mimi, I found that Sofia could easily nap for 2 to 3 hours, but then would be up until 1130 or midnight. Since we didn't have a nightlight with her books and toys (and since I was sleeping in the same bed with her), I decided to have her skip nap time so that she would go to sleep easily at 730/8pm. After we got home, she napped the first two days, but since then it hasn't happened regularly. When she does nap during the day, it's clear that she stays up after CK has put her to bed and reads or plays with her toys by her nightlight. She's very quiet and puts herself to bed at some point, so everyone is happy. I do miss that mid-afternoon break though.
We are still debating whether to start her in a two-day program at Spanish Schoolhouse, but she is very excited to "go to school" even though I'm not sure she entirely understands what that means. Each time we praise her for something she's done well, she then says "Now do I get to go to school?" - it's very cute.
She's such a big girl and so much fun! We are so lucky!
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