After Grayden's birthday party, Sofia and I loaded into the car and headed over the hills to Santa Barbara to spend a few hours (that turned into over night and the next morning) with two of my very favorite people in the world - John and Lynn. John was my middle school teacher (the best teacher I've ever had) and he and Lynn were the fearless leaders to five of us across America (now I can understand Mom's reluctance to send her 12-year old out on a bike for four months!). Lynn is forever busy with her crew of chickens and her wonderful garden, and she was great at introducing Sofia to both. Sofia loved petting the chickens (after she found out that they wouldn't bite) and thought they were very soft. She also loved playing in Lynn's garden and finding all the various goodies mixed into the landscape - Mr. Potato Head, fairy homes, etc. John and Lynn also have a cat - Pouncer, who is a little bit like Sofia. He knows his own mind and knows when enough is enough. Needless to say Pouncer bit Sofia, but they were soon buddies again and Sofia was trying to boss him around.....sigh.
Once the decision to stay the night was made, John and Sofia grilled chicken and corn together and we had a wonderful meal. Then John pulled out several of their now-adult boys' books and read to Sofia. She loved it! Her favorite was the "The Little Engine That Could" since it has a lot of moving parts, windows to lift, etc.
The next morning we had coffee and french toast (again, John's excellent cooking) and hung out with Ethan and his girlfriend Molly. It was a great visit and efreshing to reconnect. Sofia also loved playing with Ethan and Molly in the front garden. We were sad to go (but had a flight to catch), and look forward to another visit soon!
Sofia and John grilling

Sofia "helps" paint on the bbq sauce

John reading to Sofia

Playing in the corn the next morning

Sofia and Pouncer - having made up

Hanging out with Ethan in the front yard

Sofia, John, Lynn, Ethan and Molly after a delicious breakfast

Sofia and her gift from John and Lynn. She wanted to badly to read it, but also wanted to suck her thumb - such a dilemma.
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