Sunday, April 21, 2019

Easter Baskets!

The girls must have been excited to explore their Easter baskets - Sofia was awake and downstairs by 6:45am with Olivia following shortly behind her. The girls loved all their goodies and enjoyed exploring all the items and, of course, the candy. Sofia got some cute character socks and a pretty dress, gel markers, Peeps, the See's chocolate eggs that have a white chocolate chick inside, and a chocolate bunny. Olivia's basket included a few new Geronimo Stilton books, two shorts and workout tops for soccer and gel markers and the same chocolate candy and bunny. They loved all their goodies. Also, Grandpa and Grandma gave the girls each a little basket of goodies, including bunny ears, a cute notepad and pen, a Hatcnhimal and candy! So sweet! The girls loved it all! They spend their morning going through all their new goodies and playing together before it was time to go to Meeting.

Sofia's Easter Basket

Sofia going through her things

Olivia's Easter Basket

New Geronimo Stilton Books!

Checking out her candy

The girls with their new bunny ears and basket from Grandpa and Grandma

With Grandma

Our two bunnies playing with their goodies.

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