Thursday, May 19, 2016

Olivia's Preschool Graduation

On Tuesday morning, Olivia and her friends in the Owl Class had their preschool graduation. We were asked to put the kids in "bright colors" for the Spring Sing and Olivia picked out her owl dress, since she's part of the Owl Class. She loves that dress and looked so cute for her performance. She also had to bring a white dress shirt of CK's which we rolled up the arms so it fit her. When put on backwards, it looks like a white gown for her graduation. So sweet!

Prior to the graduation, the entire school had a Spring Sing, which was a lot of fun to watch and very sweet. Over the past few weeks, Olivia has been singing a variety of adorable songs that she's learned from Miss Jess and that she and her classmates would be singing to us prior to the ceremony. The Spring Sing was so sweet and all the kids did a great job. Some were more interested in performing and singing while a few just stood shocked that they were being watched by all the parents. Olivia really enjoyed it and sang her little heart out. She had so much fun and I'm surprised that she's such a performer, since she seems so shy in most situations. I think she's coming out of her shell.

Following the Spring Sing, the younger classes headed back to their classes while the Owl and Elephant classes (the 4 year olds) and the Bear class (5 year olds) "graduated." They called each child individually down the church walkway to come for a hug from their teacher and then join their fellow graduates on the podium. It was so sweet! I'm so glad they held the graduation on Tuesday instead of the actual last day of school, since I was already getting sad over the idea of Olivia not being at such a great school next year. I know she's excited for Kindergarten and I think she'll do great and have fun, but Noah's Ark and her teachers have been a fantastic fit and I wish we'd found it a year earlier.

Following the graduation, we went out to the lobby and had cookies and punch together. Miss Michelle and Miss Jane also compiled an amazing folder for each student with their work and photos over the year! It's so cool and such a great scrapbook to have of Olivia's year at Noah's Ark! After we visited and thanked the teachers, we took our kiddos and went to Chik Fil A with Hannah, Evan, Collins, and Spencer and their moms. We ate, visited and the kids played. It was a fun visit and I can't believe the kids only have two more days!

On her final day of school today, Olivia brought gifts for Miss Jane and Miss Michelle. I wasn't sure what to get them, so went with a gift card to Market Street. I also had Olivia write a "Thank you" card and told her how to write each letter so it read "Thank you, Miss Jane" and "Thank you, Miss Michelle" and then had her draw a picture in each of the thank you cards. I also wrote a note to each of them in the cards and thanked them for such a great year.

Olivia is ready for Spring Sing and graduation

With Miss Michelle, the world's best teacher!

With Miss Jane

The Spring Sing

Ready to graduate from preschool

This picture completely captures Olivia and Hannah and their crazy, silly relationship!

All the Noah's Ark graduates!

Our little graduate

Showing off her scrapbook

Papa and his girl

The three of us

With her buddy, Evan!

Crazy kids

Evan, Hannah, Olivia, and Spencer just before heading to Chik Fil A

Olivia with gifts for her teachers on her very last day of preschool!

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