Friday, February 20, 2015

Sofia's Hoe Down!

Last night Sofia and the entire 2nd grade held their Square Dance Hoe Down at school! The kids have been practicing twice a week for awhile and Sofia has been sure to wear an extra "twirly skirt" on those days so she can "honor her partner" when they practice. As usual, it was difficult to coax Sofia to get up and get ready for school, but when I mentioned that it was Thursday and her Hoe Down was that night, she literally shot out of bed! She and her Papa had picked out a cute pink tutu skirt and pink and light blue plaid collared shirt the night before in anticipation, but I convinced her to wear something else for school so she wouldn't get it dirty or spill on her cute outfit. It was a hard sell, but she decided to wear another skirt and top (because they would be practicing instead of doing PE).

We ate dinner early and headed to school so we could get good seats since the Hoe Down took place in the gym and seats were around the perimeter. We actually got there just after Sofia's friend Shivani and her family, so they chose a square in the corner and we sat right next to them so we could get good pictures and videos. Apparently each kiddo could decide which "square" they danced in and then waited for a boy to show up to be their partner. Over the weeks of practice, I always asked who Sofia's partner was and she always told me she danced with someone different each time. As the gym started to fill up, Jack ended up sitting next to Sofia. Jack and Sofia were in Kindergarden together and he's a sweet kid and approximately a full foot shorter than Sofia too! Sofia's friends Shivani and Emma were also in the square with their partners and before long, the dance started.

Unfortunately, they were short by a few kids so they had one pair of kids left over. After each dance, Coach Baze and Coach Trapegen moved the couple to replace a couple of dancers in our square. Sofia and Jack were the last to be replaced and when they were put back in, they were put into a square across the gym from where we sat. Although not really close to us, we could still see well and were able to get good pictures and videos. Meanwhile, Olivia laid on my lap and relaxed as she watched. She didn't get a nap earlier and could have fallen asleep during the show!

The kids danced to 7 or 8 square dance songs and did a great job! The dances were all different but some were close enough that I'm surprised how they kept them straight in their heads! The dances got progressively more complicated and all the kids did really well with them! After those dances were over, it was time for the grand finale where each square lined up in a straight line together and danced around in a circle all together. Coach Baze called out the dance steps and it went fast and faster! It was pretty crazy and all the kids did an amazing job! With that, the show was over and Mrs. Shimmick thanked the coaches for all their hard work and the kids for such a great job. We were asked to pick up our folding chair and return them to the chair racks out in the hallway. All the kids scattered and ran to their parents and we completely lost Sofia in the chaos. We took up and chairs and after a few minutes Sofia made her way to us. She ran over to her teacher Mrs. Livingston to give her a hug first! She completely adores her teacher, and frankly Mrs. Livingston adores Sofia.

We chatted a little with some of the parents on our way out to our car and headed home where we put two tired girls to bed!

Sofia with "her horse" ready to go to the Hoe Down!

Sweet girl!

Showing off her braids

In the school gym

With her buddy, Shivani

Sitting in her "square" ready to start

Sofia and her partner, Jack

The Hoe Down begins!

Sofia and Jack

Dosey Doe

Honor your partner!

Sofia's friends and classmates Kelley and Allen

Sofia' friend, Emma and her partner

Sofia and Jack

To the right

The group dances all together

Coming together....

....and apart

The next dance begins

Shivani and her partner

Sofia and Jack move to another square

The girls dance together

The whole group together

The final group dance

She LOVED it!

Forward and back!

Sofia with Coach Baze

With her favorite teacher, Mrs. Livingston

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