Monday, August 27, 2012

Olivia at 1!

Our little Olivia is one year old! This year really did fly by but I feel like we've enjoyed the baby stages a lot more than we did with Sofia since we sort of know what we are doing now. Plus, Sofia is a great at entertaining Olivia which has also been a help. At her one year check up Olivia weighs 22 lbs (78 percentile) and measures 28.5 inches (11 percentile). She has eight teeth already - four on the top and four on the bottom! She got three shots but handled it like a champ! She cried for maybe a minute and then was fine!

Our girl is on the go, although she isn't quite walking. She did take her first unassisted steps the afternoon before her birthday while we were all swimming. If she's distracted, she'll take a few steps and will also take one or two steps to you if she's standing and you hold your hands out for her. Otherwise, she'll drop down to her crawl and can really move! Usually she crawls on her right knee and her left foot, but when she really wants to get somewhere she uses both knees. It's crazy to think that she's been crawling less than two months yet she's already making huge strides to walk.

Olivia also likes to "talk" although her only real words are "Mama" and "Papa" and "dah" which she says while pointing at whatever she wants. She's actually surprisingly able to communicate what she wants. At times she will also just start jabbering away and laughing like she's having a real conversation - it's so cute.

She adores her big sister and lights up whenever she sees Sofia, especially if she's been away. Although she can also hold her own when when she's had enough of Sofia's attention. Usually when I go into Olivia's room in the morning, Sofia runs ahead of me and gets right into her face saying "Good morning, Olivia. How are you?" to which Olivia will give her the straight arm to get her out of her face!

Olivia has been such a fun, easy baby and we've enjoyed the past year so much and look forward to all the changes in her future as she grows up!

It's getting significantly harder to get Olivia to sit still enough to snap her monthly photo! She's wearing one of my favorite outfits made by her Mimi.

Olivia in the Mimi-made birthday dress! It's a little big on her.

Working with a tired birthday model

Sweet toes

Our sweet girl - usually I get lots of smiles when I take her picture, but these were all taken near nap-time so she was tired

Such a big girl!!

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