Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Olivia's First Food

Yesterday Olivia had her first official "solid" food experience enjoying a little bowl of baby oatmeal. She's actually sucked on various pieces of fruit in the past few weeks - grapefruit, tangerine, and pineapple, but this was her first try at actually eating and swallowing food. Of course, CK has also given her a little spoonful of gelato, which she loved. At first she wasn't completely sure what to do with the oatmeal in her mouth and kept spitting it back out, but although it seemed like every bite got spit out, I found that the little bowl was soon empty. She did keep a very pensive look on her face throughout her new meal experience.

Today, along with a little bowl of oatmeal, I also mashed up some avocado in a bowl and gave her that as well, which I think she enjoyed, although with her usual pensive look on her face. She does seem to be getting the hang of opening her mouth and eating, but still spits a lot of it out. However, again, I soon found that the bowls were empty so it must be going somewhere! Tomorrow she'll be getting some banana along with her oatmeal - we'll see how that goes down.

Very first oatmeal!

Her second day of oatmeal.....a little more interested this time.


Such a cute little eater

Still trying to figure out the new texture she has in her mouth...

Sitting in her Bumbo while eating

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