Saturday, May 7, 2011

Flying with Papa

The past few Saturdays CK and Sofia have been hanging out, which usually means flying somewhere and having lunch with flying friends. While they are off, I go to a prenatal yoga class with a couple of pregnant friends and then we have lunch together. It ends up being a great deal for everyone and I'm really enjoying my free time since I know that once the baby arrives it will be awhile before I'll have free time in large quantities again. So, this past Saturday I asked Sofia to take pictures of their adventure that day since I only ever hear about it later (with limited or no photos usually). So, off they went with camera in hand to the hanger...and here is what they did:

Sofia the co-pilot is all set for take off.

Sofia took several photos of the Baron's panel (I decided one is enough for the blog)

A photo of Chester, CK's flying buddy, in his Bonanza. They met for lunch up in Decatur with a former co-worker of CK's who lives there.

Sofia captured a close-up

Heading to lunch in the crew car....

At lunch with her friends, Hannah and Alia.

Dancing in front of the jukebox - apparently all three girls were very busy dancing after lunch.

Heading home and the co-pilot is asleep. Apparently she has the same problem I do with staying awake in the Baron. CK said he landed and moved the Baron back into the hanger before she woke up and said "Where are we?" That's our girl!

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