Because of my "advanced" aged, I'll be undergoing genetic testing, so we'll find out what we are having about a month earlier than we found out with Sofia. Both CK and I have a feeling that we'll be having a girl, mainly because this pregnancy has been very similar to when I was pregnant with Sofia. I haven't been sick, although feel nauseous at night. Also, I get overly full when eating a regular sized meal, so have to eat several small meals throughout the day or snacks between smaller portions, which I never had to do with Sofia. I've also had more cravings than I ever remember with Sofia, but that may be due to the fact that I have a lot more options now and am not working behind a desk without any real food options during the work day. My biggest cravings have been grapefruit, milk, and vegetarian tacos from Taco Stand. Another big difference is that the pregnancy clothes have made their debut much sooner than with Sofia! I think I first pulled on my pregnancy jeans at 11 weeks! Mainly for comfort around my waist, but already at 13 weeks there is no way the waist of regular bottoms are fitting me!
We're excited for a new addition to our family and Sofia is convinced we are having a girl! In fact, she gets mad if we even suggest that it may well be a boy. She says boys don't like to hold hands, so she's 'getting' a sister! We'll soon find out if she's right.
Baby Lee at 13 weeks! Amazing!
My expanding waist.....Sofia was kind enough to take the photo.
Sofia's waist....she wanted me to take one of her.
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