Yesterday, Sofia woke up at her regular 7:30am time, despite the very late arrival home the night before from Atlanta. She was in a great mood and she kept agreeing that she was ready for school when I'd ask, but I'm not convinced she had any idea what that really meant. We ate breakfast, got dressed and actually made it out the door on time (even after taking pictures). The school is about a 10 minute drive away and ironically we were the first ones to arrive to her class! We're never on time anywhere and certainly never ever early! Her teachers each gave her a hug and helped her feel very welcome, which was very reassuring. Once she found a seat at the table, she started playing with linking blocks that were set out. I watched from the side window with another mom as the class of eight got settled in and played with the blocks. Sofia was having fun and seemed happy. I stayed for about a half an hour and left as they were lining up to wash hands and have a snack. It was very hard to leave her there, but great to watch her interact with other kids and the teachers.
When I picked her up she was happy to see me and gave me a huge hug! As we walked toward our car I kept asking her how her day was and what she did and about all I got was that she was told to sit indian style instead of having her legs stick straight out.... I then tried to coax out her day by telling her about my day. I told her about the errands I ran and then asked what she did. She said "Well, I went to CVS and picked up a few things, then Papa's jacket was broken so I took that in. Yep, that's about it." So, still no word on what exactly she did but when we ask if she had fun she always says "yes"!
On the previous Friday we visited the school's open house so Sofia could meet her teachers and see her classroom.
The usual morning chocolate milk
Our little girl is growing up.....
Her airplane backpack
Heading down the walkway
I love this picture, although it's bittersweet....
Little Spanish Schoolhouse gal
Walking down the hall to her class "Argentina"
Saying "Beunos Dias" to her teacher
Finding her name tag so she can hang her backpack and lunch bag
As I left her - playing.
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