On Saturday morning I made the chocolate mousse cake and had lots of help from Sofia! It was fairly easy and required a lot of beating of egg whites and cream. Needless to say, she enjoyed licking off the beaters! Unfortunately, I didn't take any pictures during the party, but Sofia had a great time using stickers to make valentine's and drew on a few of them as well with crayons. She did a great job 'hosting' all the kids and was very ready for bed finally at 10pm! She was a great trooper! I ended up putting her to bed since one of CK's flying buddies and his wife were still over. As we put her to bed each night, we ask her what her favorite part of the day was. This night, when I asked her, she thought about it and then said "Um, I got to see Mr. Chester." Chester is CK's other flying buddy who was at the dinner party with his wife and seven month old son. Sofia has gone several times with her Papa and Chester on short flying trips and she's always been drawn to Chester's bubbly personality. I thought it was so cute that this was her favorite part of her day!
On Valentine's Day, I awoke to CK making pink pancakes! As we enjoyed them together, Sofia looked over her Valentine's gifts - a basked with a little tiger and some candy and a chocolate frog! She had fun playing with them and used the box as the frog's home and bed for awhile before she opened him later that day. The tiger went around with her everywhere for a few days. After Meeting, we went to a nearby Mexican restaurant and they gave us sopapillas to celebrate Valentine's Day! Sofia wasn't so sure about them at first, but after her first bite she was hooked! It was a fun Valentine's Weekend!
Yum! Chocolate Mousse cake....
All set for the dinner party
Valentine's morning (check out those pink pancakes!!). Sofia is looking over her gifts
Playing with the chocolate frog's home while the tiger enjoys some water
Yum, sopapillas!
Mommy and Sofia
The three of us (and tiger)
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